Currency Symbol in PDF Invoice


Currently the PDF invoice generates the prices without currency symbol and with EUR instead

ie 25.25 EUR instead of 25.25 €

Any ideas on how to change this in myorder.php ?



// products netto price
$sNetSum = $oLang->formatCurrency( $this->_oData->oxorder__oxtotalnetsum->value, $this->_oData->getCurrency() ).' '.$this->_oData->getCurrency()->sign;

You need this …


I’m afraid that didn’t work.

That change just replaces EUR with the symbol ¤

Seems to be a character encoding issue.


Try to save the file as UTF-8 or ANSI as UTF-8 and upload it again. Don’t forget to empty the tmp directory.

Hi Eddie

File is saved as UTF-8 and am still having the same problem.

I decided to change the currency symbol from € to £ as a test and it displays perfectly in the pdf with your code.

This is a € symbol problem.

Thanks for your help anyway.


We have the same problem! Did anybody solved this ???