How to add body text to the 'questionemail'

Hi all,
I could edit this if I could see how it formulates the mailto: function… but I can’t get the clues I need from the code below.

Can someone help me add some body text to the email thats generated from the ‘questions’ link below a product (details.tpl) ?

<span class="question">
       [{oxmailto extra='id="test_QuestionMail"' address=$product->oxarticles__oxquestionemail->value|default:$oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxinfoemail->value subject='DETAILS_QUESTIONSSUBJECT'|oxmultilangassign|cat:" "|cat:$product->oxarticles__oxartnum->value text='DETAILS_QUESTIONS'|oxmultilangassign encode="javascript"}]

I’ve been using this for reference, but as you can see… its not a copy paste job across:

bump …just wondering if my question is clear. Does someone understand what i need to do?

OK. I tracked it down to here: /htdocs/core/smarty/plugins/function.oxmailto.php …now to work out how to add the body text to that

After much fumbling around I can sum up my solution here.
I added another variable in the function (body)

case 'body' :
 						$body_lines = explode("
", $sValue);
 						$encoded_body_lines = array_map('rawurlencode', $body_lines);
						$aMailParms[] = $sVarName . '=' . implode('%0A' , $encoded_body_lines);

and called it as such:

[{oxmailto extra='id="test_QuestionMail"' address=$product->oxarticles__oxquestionemail->value|default:$oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxinfoemail->value subject='DETAILS_QUESTIONSSUBJECT'|oxmultilangassign|cat:" "|cat:$product->oxarticles__oxartnum->value text='DETAILS_QUESTIONS'|oxmultilangassign body="Tomer and Yehuda I'd
like to suggest the
following improvements to your tips: est the followin" encode="javascript"}]

…Thats for a multiline email text body by the way.

It may need some testing on various clients. Works on my Mac/Firefox/Apple mail combo