Additional information for articles in order overview


i am building a shop where customers can sell theirs stuff to the shop and need therefore something like a flag, which specifies, if an articles is bought or sold by a customer.

Now i have found two columns (screenshot: A,B) in the article list of the order overview. can you tell me, where the data for “Typ” and “Parameter” is saved (which table) and whether this is a good idea to use as a flag (under which circumstances are these fields also used) for my purpose?

thanks in advance



the requested Typ and Parameter come from this Query:


select oxorderarticles.* from oxorderarticles where oxorderarticles.oxorderid=“6133ed9454fa48eb14da46b3046974ac” order by oxorderarticles.oxartid

inside oxorderarticles are the columns:
oxselvariant : Typ , which is the Selectbox bound to the Article
oxpersparam : Parameter, which are the persparams for individual articles

since oxpersparams is an array, it might be possibile for you to use a special param for your purpose


the requested Typ and Parameter come from this Query:


select oxorderarticles.* from oxorderarticles where oxorderarticles.oxorderid=“6133ed9454fa48eb14da46b3046974ac” order by oxorderarticles.oxartid

inside oxorderarticles are the columns:
oxselvariant : Typ , which is the Selectbox bound to the Article
oxpersparam : Parameter, which are the persparams for individual articles

since oxpersparams is an array, it might be possibile for you to use a special param for your purpose[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

You are welcome:

the tpl code you should look for is in (in azure) productmain.tpl

 [{* pers params *}]
            [{block name="details_productmain_persparams"}]
                [{if $oView->isPersParam()}]
                    <div class="persparamBox clear">
                        <label for="persistentParam">[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_DETAILS_PERSPARAM_LABEL" }]</label><input type="text" id="persistentParam" name="persparam[details]" value="[{ $oDetailsProduct->aPersistParam.text }]" size="35">

the form input as you can see is only send, when the Article in the Admin is marked as “indivudual”, but of course for your solution, you are free to use it without this option handled by:

[{if $oView->isPersParam()}]