Product price with VAT


How can i display product price without VAT in oxid - 4.4.8?
Is there any way from admin to switch between product price with or without VAT?

Thanks in Advance.


not simply possible yet. There are some modules around doing the job. Maybe @spurvis can help here.


Hi Marco,

Thanks for the reply, i have searched on this and got idea about how it can be possible…

I am using PE with 4.4.8, and have installed b2b module, now my product price are displaying excl. VAT but when i apply any coupon on it at that time it displays discount price with VAT.

For ex.
My product price is 50.00 EUR excl VAT
so my total basket price is 59.5 EUR incl. VAT (with applying 19% default oxid VAT)

now i am applying 10% discount coupon for this product,
so instaed of -5.00 EUR discount, it displays -5.95 EUR discount which is incl VAT.

Can i display discount only as -5.00 EUR means excl. VAT?