Attributes filter for the entire shopcategories

Hallo all,

I do have 2 questions in regards to the attributes filter or catfilter.

  1. how is it possible to get all attributes of all categories into a filter on the left.tpl, and the user can choose from all the attributes, no matter which product in which category they are assigned. The background is, that some attributes, like color, type are used in several categories and if one chooses such a attribute all the products from different categories should be displayed.

  2. I moved the attributes filter which is part of page/list.tpl to the left.tpl. Now if there is no category selected, the page gets only displayed up to the navigation just before the attributes filter, even this part is surrounded by a

{[if $oCategoryAttributes}]

-Statement and for my understanding should not interfere if there is no attributes-list from oView. But this problem is possible handled if the no.1 above has a solution.

Thanks for your help

there are several solutions for attribute filters to be found in forums, just have a try with searching for “Ajax Filter” or “Ajax multifilter”

Danke für den Tipp,

das hab ich gestern schon den ganzen Tag gemacht. Aber alle Attributfilter die ich gefunden habe und wo ich angefragt habe, werden nur kategorienbezogen durchgeführt. Das wäre aber genau das, was ich und vor allem der Kunde nicht möchte.


please write in english in the international part of the forum

Did you contact as well? They have had a filter as well, but not yet included into the exchange or own module-shop. Maybe this one can fit your needs?

Hi Hebsacker,

no unfortunately they don’t have an extension for this, as they wrote me this afternoon.

So I thnk I explain my customer how it makes sense that the attribute filter is connected to the category and hope he is satisfied with this solution.

I found the solution for question 2 myself.
To complete this here, I wrapped the attributes-Filter from list.tpl with

[{if $oView->getClassName() == "alist"}]



and all the other pages, which do not have the oView object alist get also displayed correctly.

Good night


Thank you so much for the answer, because this code is help full to me.

Thank You again…

Danke für den Tipp,

das hab ich gestern schon den ganzen Tag gemacht. Aber alle Attributfilter die ich gefunden habe und wo ich angefragt habe, werden nur kategorienbezogen durchgeführt. Das wäre aber genau das, was ich und vor allem der Kunde nicht möchte.