Add new article in current basket

Hi All,

I have dynamically created one product and once it will create after that i am adding directly that product in current basket using addToBasket function of oxbasket.

But when i check the total price of basket contents, it will not display me total price including my newly created product price, while after this process if i will refresh page it will show my product in basket.

is there any way that i can add my newly created product directly in basket session, i think because of this old session i am not getting my total price.

Please help if anyone knows it.

No one here.
Please help in this issue if anyone knows.


probably, you have to hand over the old session as well with your new product item… Just guessing…



you had to add the product before loading the basket for the view.


Thanks for the reply Marco and jkrug

In my case, at some condition i am creating product using ajax and in same ajax call i am adding that product in the basket and at last in the ajax call i am applying voucher code with discount of total basket value (already added product price + newly added product price),
But it gives me error of voucher discount is more than basket value although i have set basket value as same as voucher value by adding dynamic product.

Can you help me here ?