File permission ERROR after upgrade on CE 4.5.6 version

Warning file permission - RED after last upgrade (on CE 4.5.6 version). Days long I can’t resolve this problem.

I’v done all what is recommended on this topic. That is:

Those must be writeable all the time:
:black_small_square: /out/pictures/ (recurse into subdirectories)
:black_small_square: /out/media/ (recurse into subdirectories)
:black_small_square: /out/basic/src/ (recurse into subdirectories)
:black_small_square: /log/ (recurse into subdirectories)
:black_small_square: /tmp/ (recurse into subdirectories)

/ - 444
/.htaccess - 640

I have no idea what else to do.

My dear community, is someone out there to help? Thank you


you could “pimp” the check with inserting “echo $sPathToCheck;” like suggestet here (at the bottom):

Then you will see in the upper left corner wich path does not pass the check.

Thank you for your kind answer dear Hebsacker,

what do you mean with: “Then you will see in the upper left corner wich path does not pass the check.”

Upper left corner? Where?

thank you


in the shop backend should appear the “path to check” when you have made those changes