Multiple category lists on single page


I would like to be able to show multiple categories on 1 page. I have the following categories before a product:

Main category -> Sub-category -> sub-sub-category -> product

What I want is that when a Sub-Category got chosen the lists of products I normally see when you pick a sub-sub-category is shown on the same page. So instead of:
[Sub-sub category] [Sub-sub category] where the customer has to click one of the two before seeing products I want:

[Sub-sub category]
[products from sub-sub-category]

[Sub-sub category]
[products from sub-sub-category]

I hope someone understands what I mean because it’s quite hard to explain. I’ve looked in the code but changing the way a category page is shown would change it for everything. I only want to change the way a sub-category page looks. This requires somehow a sub-category to request a different tpl. This however I don’t know how that works (yet). I couldn’t find it in the manual (which is quite empty) or API reference.

I’ve also looked for an IRC channel where it might be easier to explain but the last reference to an IRC channel was in 2008 and it doesn’t exist anymore on euIRCnet.

Thank you for your time and if you know the answer but can only reply in German that is no problem (I understand it just my writing is not brilliant ;))

it´s unfortunately not possible in the standard, yet already a feature request since along time

but - after a short search - there are some snippets available to gain this behaviour:

hope it helps

Hi Hebsacker,

thanks for the quick reply. However this is not what I mean necessarily. Maybe I was unclear. The products -have- to stay inside that category because different items can only be in certain categories.
What I do mean is that indeed I can show all the products from a category. What I mean however is that you show the


Just showing the products would cause confusion (in my webshops case). I’ll take a look at the code and see if I can somehow manipulate it into doing what I want but I’m afraid that’s going to be a lot more work then just inserting a TPL that shows the 2 sub-categories.

I hope this is more clear but it seems indeed I have to write code which get’s items directly from the database itself. I have also considered to make it an attribute to filter but an attribute in this case would not work because I can (as far as I found out) only give 1 attribute to a product. Hence I came up with categories.

I see - you want to display let´s say two sub-sub categories when choosing the subcategory above them, and as well the items inside them.
Well, I think this you have in deed to code yourself then.

Do you mean like this:

[QUOTE=Hebsacker;80037]I see - you want to display let´s say two sub-sub categories when choosing the subcategory above them, and as well the items inside them.
Well, I think this you have in deed to code yourself then.[/QUOTE]

Well not ‘just two’, but all. Happens to be just two in this case (and probably will stay two but, there should be no limit :))

[QUOTE=leofonic;80059]Do you mean like this:[/QUOTE]

Exactly! But preferably, if possible, show all the products including the filtering. If not possible, the same as that indeed!

edit this is not an OXID shop (I think) but this is kinda how I want it :slight_smile:

Sorry to bump this thread but I’d really like to know where I could best modify this.

In the Alternate example the manufacturers are not real categories but attributes. To achieve this you would have to add manufacturers as attributes and write a module to sort articles by manufacturer. Then in frontend while building the article list, everytime the manufacturer changes, you insert a headline with the manufacturer name.