Home page promotion for multiple categories + hide price


I am using the community version 4.5 and really pleased with it.

There are 2 requirements that I try to do with minimum changes:

  1. show multiple categories in promotion on home page;
    (multiple categories have promotion icon and Top offer categories promotion has items from all those categories, but only the category of first item is shown on Home page)

  2. hide price for all items, to use oxid as a presentation catalogue (without deleting from templates?) maybe disable shopcart-related-module (if there is separated from rest)?

Any advice would be helpful.


Hi Bogdan,

I reckon, it’s just a bit of template work. Have a look at the start.tpl for multiple categories.
Your second question should be resolved simply as well: just some template changes to remove the to-cart button, that’s it :wink:


Hi Marco,

Thought I was missing some promotion/ other configuration.
Then it’s template changes.

Thanks for answer