How to get Current currency symbol

Hello I want to get the all currency symbols, and active currency symbol of the system. I have gone through all administration panel but couldn’t be able to find any way to set a currency symbol for my shop. Only one option of in Master->Core Settings->Settings->Other Settings. But here you can only add the currency. How to set or change the currency symbol.
Secondly how to get all currency symbols and how to get acitve currency symbol?
I am using this


But it is returning an empty array. :confused:

Under Other Settings, the symbol is also set. For example:

USD@ 1.00@ .@ @ $@ 2

They symbol is set just prior to the last ‘@’ character.

There is no currency object in the shop, so yes, just an array is returned. The array uses key/value pairs. For example, aCurrencies[0][‘sign’] will get the first currency type and return its currency sign (if I remember correctly).

To get the active currency, I think there’s a function somewhere which will return the array key (say k) for the curreny in use. The you can go aCurrencies[k][‘key’.]