Undefined property: object_ADOConnection::$fetchMode

Hi there, I am developing a module. Using some functions of oxid, overriding some them and writing my new. All was going good but then sudden I start to get the following error.

b>Notice</b>:  Undefined property: object_ADOConnection::$fetchMode in <b>D:\wamp\www\oxid_froomerce\core\adodblite\adodbSQL_drivers\mysql\mysql_meta_module.inc</b> on line <b>227</b><br />

I even rolled back my all things but didn’t get rid off this problem. I then went to this class and shocked tosee that "fetchMode " was not defined in that class. I define the variable and it starts working. But this is a wrong way I think. Why should I change the core files and ask user of my module to change in core files? I have seen same problem on this forum but that was related to live servers. I am developing at local host. Can any body tell me what is the error?

One thing imported that I did empty my temp folder and after that I am getting this problem? I read that you can empty the temp folder during development process to implement your changes.

Waiting for immediate response,
Awais Qarni

I´m not a programmer - so I can not tell wether the fetchMode has to be defined there or in previous objects.

But, of course it is not intended to change anything in core.

The tmp-folder is the cache of the shop, so when you made changes and did not flush it, the old data is loaded. When you flush it, then the cache is rebuild based on the actual data, templates etc. So of course the error occures not before the cache was renewed.

A good information regarding it is available on various website, you may get it by browsing. I think you may contect to the professional of that particular area, they may be helpful.
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