Security features?

Can anybody point me towards a summary of OXID security features? That is, mechanisms in place to prevent hacker attacks. If this doesn’t exist anywhere, maybe people can help me compile a list here. For example, I know from working with the code that the following exists:

[li]CSRF prevention
[/li][li]SQL injection prevention
[/li][li]Encrypted passwords

But what about other things like encrypted cookies, XSS, email header injection, repeated password attempts, etc…?

Hehee, a dodgy topic, isn’t it :slight_smile:

The main point is that security issues, if you get aware of one, have to be treated very responsibly as one could compromise existing shops. Thus, the best way is to send any suspicious case to security@ instead of talking about it publicly in forums or even blogging about it (we have had cases like this).
