Contact form confirmation UX 'bug' (Azure)

Hi there,

I’ve just detected that the latest azure release has (for me at least) lost a feature.

In the previous classic version, when the contact form was submitted, the user was progressed to a page confirming the submission.
In Azure, this confirmation appears by default above the form (with its fields still intact). This imo creates a confusing user experiance. Considering a smaller laptop screen, this confirmation can easily go unnoticed and the user can continue submitting multiple times from the form they are repeatedly presented with, with no change.
I consider it more a hack to move the confirmation message to the bottom, as the form is still there and I can’t be sure after submission that they return to the top or the bottom of the form. Make it big… yellow… green etc… Its still trying to hack something broken I think.
In the previous version there was really no confusion here. Send > Thanks.

Anyone else share this opinion?
Is there a way to regain this functionality?


Hey Jim,

thanks for this hint. Basically, it seems to be a usability issue. I tried to reproduce this behaviour and found out the following:

  • If the message could be send, you’ll get a text like “thanks for your message” on top of the page, barely to be found.
  • If the message cannot be send (because of tech issues), nothing appears.

This missing exception handling opens the way to a bug instead of a feature request - get my point? :wink:
Keen to enter the bug, know how to do it?


Hey Marco,
Yes I get your point. Calling it a bug and filing it under a feature request may not have been my smartest move.
Thanks for testing it out.
I’ve never entered a bug before. Where’s that done? (assuming there’s a mantis type thing here somewhere)

can be found here: