Table 'oxid.oxactions2article' doesn't exist


When I try to install community edition with uft8 and demodata I get this error:

ERROR: Issue while inserting this SQL statements:

ERROR: Issue while inserting this SQL statements: ( INSERT INTO oxactions2article VALUES(‘d8842e3c913930f47.00463447’, ‘oxbaseshop’, ‘oxstart’, ‘2077’, 0); ): Table ‘db8046_oxid.oxactions2article’ doesn’t exist

If I try to install without demodata and without utf8, then I get this error:

ERROR: Issue while inserting this SQL statements: ( update oxnewssubscribed set oxemail=‘[email protected]’ where oxuserid=‘oxdefaultadmin’ ): Table ‘db8046_oxid.oxnewssubscribed’ doesn’t exist

It seems like doesn’t create all schema tables.

Do you know what can I do?


any other errors?

Is the Suhosin-Patch installed on your server? (check php.ini)

Does your DB-user has the right for CREATE VIEW?


Yes, the user has rigths. I can log with the user and run scripts wich are in setup/en
I deleted all, copied again and now it works.
