Billing VAT when VAT ID provided


I need to bill VAT even to customers (B2B) that provide valid VAT ID (inside EU).

In Master sett./Countries/ you can choose only between “Do not bill VAT” and “Do not bill VAT only if provided valid VAT ID” under VAT handling for each country.

I found bugtrack issue ID 0003788 for similar problem for Swiss and Austria.
It looks to me that this problem is general and country independent.

(OXID 4.6.2 and all other versions I think)

Thanks in advance


Hello Marko,

give me a bit of time to reproduce the exact case. In the mean time, can you describe where your shop is based, what shall happen in B2B and B2C with the tax if you sell inside your country, inside the EU and outside the EU? How the rules are in your country?

Thanks and regards

Another thing is that I’m not sure where in OXID CE 4.6.2 shop base country is defined? Is it Core Settings/Main?

Master Settings -> Core Settings -> Settings -> Global

Thanks. Problem solved.
Since domestic country in Master Settings -> Core Settings -> Settings -> Global wasn’t selected (highlighted) domestic users weren’t assigned to User Group “Domestic Customers” when they were registered. After selecting domestic country and assigning domestic customers to “Domestic Customers” group manually, VAT is billed for domestic users with valid VAT ID also. VAT options for home country disappear.

Maybe it would be better to select domestic country in “Master Settings -> Core Settings -> Settings -> Global” by checking a little square beside the country instead of highlighting it.

Another thing: Does OXID CE verify if users VAT ID number is valid automatically when its entered through the registration process?

Should assignment of domestic users to User Group “Domestic Customers” happen automatically when home country is selected?

Instructions in OXID are this:
Master Settings -> Core Settings -> Settings -> Global The Domestic Customers - Customers living in the selected Countries are assigned to the User Group “Domestic Customers”.

In my case it never happened automatically as I tested it.


depends. Your domestic country shall be where the shop is based. If a customer registers with the same country it shall be kind of domestic at least, shall not it? If there’s another behaviour and you can reproduce it in demoshop, feel free to open up a bug.


I was hoping for a straight answer like yes/no :confused:. For now I’ll assume that it should be done manually. Maybe I’ll test it in demoshop later.

