Löschbutton im Warenkorb


Ich möchte gerne hinter jedem Produkt im Warenkorb einen Button haben mit dem ich das betreffende Produkt löschen kann, ohne dasHäkchen vorne zu setzen (das soll am Ende ganz weg). Hat jemand eine Idee, wie das funktionieren könnte? Die Ajax-Anbindung bekomm ich nicht zu laufen und JavaScript funzt auch nicht so, wie ich es mir vorstelle … nämlich garnicht :frowning:

Jeder Hinweis auf Ansatzpunkte / Doku / eigene Erfahrungen ist willkommen!

Gruß; SubNet-One

EDIT: Sorry for the post in the international part in german. Here’s the translation:

I want to have a delete-button behind each product in the cart wich removes the product from the cart without selecting the checkbox which is dedicated for deletion-selection. (This box is going to be removed in the end) Does anybody have an idea how this could work? I can’t get the ajax-connection to work and JavaScript doesn’t work the way I imagine either … doesn’t work at all :frowning:

I will bge very pleased for each and every hint on Starting points / documentation or personal experiences!

Regards, SubNet-One

Hi SubNet-One,

isn’t it possible to drag the remove button into the basket loop?


Yes - partly. The problem is, that the items must be checked before. I do not really understand the way oxid handles the requests … one form, 2 different actions triggered by 2 different submit-buttons. This must be handled by evaluating the different values of name or id of the submit-buttons - at least this is what I think.
I found out, that the checkAll-checkbox is handled by the oxid ajax / javascript-object but it dit not really help. There is a function oxid.form.select() but i wasn’t able to use it in a propper way to make it work. I guess that this function is the way to solve the problem in principle.

regards, SubNet-One