What about developing translations?

I seem to get that translations are made by a mix of files and mysql data (for the demo site sql dump).

Are translations managed in core (i’m missing credential to get in svn) or that should be released as module?


Any hint to manage translations versioning? I mean when you’ll add new strings how can we get them translated? Wouldn’t be better having gettext integrated?

Hello tassoman,

basically, there are only three files to alter:

  • /out/basic/en/lang.php for the front end and
  • /out/admin/en/lang.php for the admin area
  • /out/admin/en/help_lang.php for the help tags in admin.

Best is to copy these files to a new directory /it/. When finished, we appreciate to see this files as an extension in http://www.oxid-esales.com/en/exchange/eshop/category/Language+modules :slight_smile:

If you want to insert italian demo data in the database:

  • go to language administration and enter “it” as a new, additional language. The entered demo data shall go to e.g. oxarticles:OXTITLE_2

These data could be added to the eXchange application as well, maybe as an sql file.


Thank you for advices Marco, my thoughts were also about the maintenance of translation files.
Every day there are updates on dev’s SVN repository.

What about using gettext for translations? There are more performances and it’s much easy to maintain translations.

Ah ok. I think I see your point.

Do you mean this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettext ?
Looks really interesting. I shall have a look at it.

I think it’s the best way to get translations done. It’s used in drupal and wordpress also.
This is the library I wrote some yr ago for CodeIgniter framework inspired by wordpress.


there is also the XLIFF alternative using XML but I’m not so good at as GNU gettext.