Adding Extra filed in oxpayments table

I have a requirement like to add the extra column in oxpayments table and i am trying to use sql query to add the column like ‘alter table oxpayments add oxpaymentdesc varchar(255) not null;’ I am loading this query I got successfully created but I have facing the problem when we using this coulmn in my tpl file and I have included in my code like this

<input type=“text” class="" size=“25” maxlength=[{$edit>oxpayments__oxpaymentdesc->fldmax_length}]" name=“editval[oxpayments__oxpaymentdesc]” value="[{$edit->oxpayments__oxpaymentdesc->value}]" [{ $readonly }>

when trying to giving the value from textbox it will not storing in the database table.
now I am using the version 4.3.1
please give me any idea to storing the database table


have you updated the views?

Finally I got it its a temp file problem.