Assign products within categories


1.) How is this done? I know i can “Assign products” to a category, but then its not split up like it is here in categories: <link removed>

2.) And how do they make the picture only being loaded, when they are looked at - when you scroll down, they are only being downloaded, when you reach them.

3.) When i type in the wrong Captha in contact form, i get the message, that its not translated. i then added it, but that didnt help:
How come it doesnt work? and how would you translate it to?

i guess “sortiment” is a category and the other stuff like “t-shirts” or “langarmschirts” are subcategories.
And there is a foreach loop getting some 4 random articles from each subcategory


1.) So you dont know, if there is something already made like this, i can get?

2.) thanks for both answers. i have added another question in OP.

where did you find a captcha?
after changing lang filed you need to clear the tmp/ folder

Its a part of index.php?cl=contact
Yes that did it. Shame that has to be done.


another thing:
‘PAGE_DETAILS_THANKYOUMESSAGE2’ => " appreciates your comments.",
‘PAGE_DETAILS_THANKYOUMESSAGE3’ => “We will inform you as soon as the price falls below”,

Thank you <here they put in a variable> etc etc. how can i change that variable or remove it? if i only want my own sentence?
out/azure/tpl/message/notice.tpl =
<div class=“status notice corners”>
<p>[{ $statusMessage }]</p>
getting a bit confusing, to know where to get/change the infos :slight_smile: “status notice corners” is the class that area uses, so i thought this might be what i was searching for.

im not really sure what do you mean, but deleting variables (and other stuff) is very easy.

This is the common way to delete something:
you place the text cursor right behind the last character of your variable and then you keep pressing the “backspace” key with an arrow points to the left, its right below the F12 key, untill the variable is completely removed. Like this:

this iy your variable
[{ $variable }][b]|[/b]  <- this is your cursor now press backspace
[{ $variable }[b]|[/b]  press backspace again
[{ $variable [b]|[/b]  so
[{ $variable[b]|[/b]  you
[{ $variabl[b]|[/b]  keep
[{ $variab[b]|[/b]  pressing
[{ $varia[b]|[/b] backspace
[{ $vari[b]|[/b]  until
[{ $var[b]|[/b]  the
[{ $va[b]|[/b]  variable
[{ $v[b]|[/b]  you
[{ $[b]|[/b]  want
[{ [b]|[/b]  to
[{[b]|[/b]  remove
[[b]|[/b]  is
[b]|[/b]  removed

changing variables is easy, too:

[{assign var=variable value="new value your variable" }]

hehe funny :smiley:
But where are these variables stored?

99% of them are stored in the database
and most of them are objects with some properties and not simple variants

Those phrases are stored in the lang.php and are called inside the templates. Depending on the language chosen by the user (or shop owner) it shows the correct language then. If you want to change them, just copy the phrase from lang.php into cust_lang.php and fill it with your custom text. You can as well add new phrases into the cust_lang.php, you just need to call them in the templates then.

Hebsacker, thanks for the reply. At times they combine phrases/variables like this:
‘PAGE_DETAILS_THANKYOUMESSAGE2’ => " appreciates your comments.",
‘PAGE_DETAILS_THANKYOUMESSAGE3’ => “We will inform you as soon as the price falls below”,
But inbetween those, they add there own variable. This is probably not the best exacly, but im not able to get the correct info atm, but let me know if you dont understand what i mean, then ill get the correct info. if we look at the 3 above variables, then it could be something like: “Thank you” <username> or < the domain name> " appreciates your comments" “We will inform you as soon as the price falls below” so they put in there own variable, which retrieves the domainname or username - i have so far only see the domainname being put in after a “thanks”. It was used in the Contact form, where it say something like this:
Thanks <domain name> appreciate your comments. <- to me it doesnt seem right to use the domain name there. insted, thanks, we appreciate your comments…

in this case, why don´t you replace this complete part inside the templates with for example

‘PAGE_DETAILS_THANKYOUMESSAGE_cust’ => “Thank you, we appreciate your comments.”,

and put in this new one into cust_lang.php?

Because i dont know where to change, where variables its using at that moment? tryed going through some tpl’s but i could find it

if you put the debug level to “8” in your (since version 4.6.0) the template names will be shown in frontend (empty /tmp folder afterwards!)

or check here:

nice, thanks. but it say: message/notice.tpl, which contains:
<div class=“status notice corners”>
<p>[{ $statusMessage }]</p>
since statusMessage maybe contains more then 1 message, i would like to know, how i can go deeper into that variable? if it there is only 1 message behind that one, it would be good to know, so i know until next time, where it might contain more messages

\out\azure pl\page\details\details.tpl
Line 8:
[{assign var="_statusMessage1" value=“PAGE_DETAILS_THANKYOUMESSAGE1”|oxmultilangassign|cat:" "|cat:$oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value}]

thanks a lot