Category class


<url removed> if you click on any of the subcategories, then “Produktsortiment” will get its correct look (class=“exp”). How can i fix this?

My guess is, that it has something to do with the:

<li class="[{if !$oContentCat && $act && $act->getId()==$_cat->getId() }]active[{elseif $_cat->expanded}]exp[{/if}][{if !$_cat->hasVisibleSubCats}] end[{/if}]">

my guess is, is that:

[{if !$oContentCat && $act && $act->getId()==$_cat->getId() }]

has to contain something, so that it knows, that im root of the tree: Produktsortiment and not a subcategory… So maybe if we somehow tell it, thats the active category is Produktsortiment/ or something?

im testing stuff atm. so please tell me, if someone wants to spend a few minutes of there time, to help me out… then i will change it back

i found the solution…