OXID 4.8 incompatiblity of translations for modules


right now I’ve got a big problem with the cleanup of the translations files.
Our payment Plugin is using the translated texts of the shop system (e.G. PAN, or for direct debit Bank code/Account No.)
Now with the cleanup some things also changed (e.G. Bank code => Bank code or BIC)
Does this mean, that we can’t rely on the translation entries for our plugins? Do we have to maintain our own translation file with all needed translations? What’s the best practise for such a problem in Oxid module development?
Besides Oxid we also support several other Shop Systems, but most of the other systems do not have such problems after updates.


Hi jer,

most likely, other shopping cart systems didn’t clean up their lang files recently.
To be certain: lang files shall absolutely be dependent from the module and could be encapsulated completely.
I am keen to take on personal request on that, PN me pls.
