Variant select menu as HTML select


I need to change the fancy variant drop-down box of the Azure theme to a standard HTML <select> box.

From looking at widget/product/selectbox.tpl and oxarticlevariant.js, I simply can’t figure out how to achieve this. The code from here seems to be old as it creates template errors.

Here is what I have in selectbox.tpl so far:

[{assign var="oSelections" value=$oSelectionList->getSelections()}]
[{assign var="oActiveSelection" value=$oSelectionList->getActiveSelection()}]

[{if $oSelections}]
<div class="variantSelector">
    <select class="variants">
            [{if $sFieldName == "sel" }]
                [{ oxmultilang ident="PLEASE_CHOOSE" }]
                [{ oxmultilang ident="CHOOSE_VARIANT" }]
    [{foreach from=$oSelections item=oSelection}]
        [{if !$oSelection->isDisabled()}]
            <option value="[{$oSelection->getValue()}]" [{if $oSelection->isActive()}]selected="selected"[{/if}]>[{$oSelection->getName()}]</option>
    <a href="[{ $_productLink }]" class="variantMessage">
    [{if $sFieldName == "sel" }]
        [{ oxmultilang ident="PLEASE_CHOOSE" }]
        [{ oxmultilang ident="CHOOSE_VARIANT" }]

This will create the standard html drop-down box just fine. It also contains some sort of variant ids as the value for the option tags and the name of the variants. But I don’t know how to go about it from there. The oxarticlevariant.js heavily confuses me and I don’t really get what most of the code in there is supposed to do.

When I changed the drop-down menus for the listlocator, I could simply create an onChange-event that redirects to the link that’s saved as the value of the <option>-tag. Ideally, I’d want something like that in this case, but calling the “getLink()” Method of “oSelection” only yields a ‘#’.

It doesn’t need to be fancy AJAX-magic. A full page reload with the variant selection saved would be just fine.

Hi, you can do it like this. Just view the source and you’ll know. how it works.

Ah thank you. That was easier than expected. While I still don’t get how the JS-Magic works in detail, I could get it to work.

Just have a look to the scripts and compare :slight_smile:

That’s what I did. Still all I did was adjusting the selectors for JQuery without getting a deeper understanding what is actually happening, apart from the fact that there is some AJAX involved. That’s fine, I managed to achieve my goal.