How to solve that PHP 5.2.3 is recomended for running Version and PHP 3.2.8 for Version 4.0.0.x ?

I want to run on the same root server the licenced oxid versions ( which has some problems with php 5.2.8 which is recommended for 4.0 and higher.

Is there a common recomended PHP available for both version ?

if not

FAST CGI / apache mod as recomended in some apache / php forums does not work out here.

is a Virtualization or a 2. Server the only solution ?

txs for you input.


Hi max,

you can run OXID eShop Professional Edition with 5.2.8 as well. You just need a patch for PHP > 5.2.4 that you get from our support team.


Marco Steinhäuser
Community Operator
OXID eSales AG

I guess the patch is to be found in the previous forum.
