Can OXID print shipping labels (Etiketten)?


This is my first post on the forum. :slight_smile:
I’ve looked at the numerous features of OXID and I couldn’t find a ‘[B]print shipping label[/B]’ option.

Can someone tell me if this feature is included in the OXID CE version?
Or is the a module available that can be used in combination with the OXID engine?


Hi Roel,

no, there no such module available. Most people running a productive system work with their ERP software and/or software of their shipping providers.


(this reply of course comes late…as I recently joined OXID’s Forum :slight_smile:

If I may ask, if shipping labels can not be printed what is the purpose of the “Packing List” function in CE 4.4.4.?

Wouldn’t a “Print Page” option on the “Packing List” be simple to add? That way users can configure the printing size / page to match their needs. Just an idea…



there’s a slight difference between shipping labels and the package list built in :wink:
Shipping labels usually need a generated package number, a bar code etc.

The packing list is tended to be a simple pick list -> just pull out your stock what you have to send today. And it is actually just a note for you as shop owner :wink:



such a feature should not be that hard to implement as a module.

The main part would be the “templating” stuff.
