Fourth step in shopping cart with an error on discounts


After making the translation of the storefront for the Portuguese language and has also translated some of the administration area, I am setting up the same with products.

After some testing, before launching the store to the public I’ve noticed that in the fourth step in the shopping cart when a discount is applied to a product after it is subtracted from the sum total of goods plus VAT. In my opinion is not correct, because the VAT should be the last thing to be added.

So I hope someone can tell me how to fix this situation and once again what I want is that the shopping cart to carry out the sum of all products, subtract the discounts applied when exists and only add the vat at the end.

I hope I was explicit, because I am using a translator from Portuguese to English, so trying to explain to me the best way possible.

Thank you.

Hi monteiro,

hope I was explicit, because I am using a translator from Portuguese to English, so trying to explain to me the best way possible.

Sure, fits :wink:

As I understood it, your products are shown without any tax at the store front end, right?
So you want to have an invoice like this:

product A … 10 EURs
product B … 10 EURs

sum … 20 EURs
discount (10%) … 2 EURs
subtotal … 18 EURs

TAX (20%) … 3.60 EURs

you have to pay … 21.60 EUR

Shall it look like this? I am wondering a bit about this behavior as Portugal, as an EU member country, shall have the same rules as we have: We are forced to show the prices at the front end including VAT if you run B2C business…


yes that is that i want.

All products are tax included

I have a discount if the client pays before with a 2% discount:

right now it is making some like this:

product A … 10 EURs
product B … 10 EURs

sum (without tax) …16.66 EURs
tax 20%…3.266 EURs
sum (with tax)…19.926 EURs
discount (2%) … 0.33 EURs
subtotal … 16.33 EURs

you have to pay … 16.33 EUR

If you like I can give an example with some products in my store.

All I want is that the basket subtract the discounts and then sum the vat only in the end.

OK, I got your point.

Giving a discount on the payment method (Skonto) means: You have got a cart value of e.g. 1000 bucks. You now have the possibility to offer 2% off this value (980) if your client pays right now, which means that your taxable turnover would be 980 EURs. You wouldn’t have to pay VAT on the 20 EURs because it doesn’t belong to your turnover.
This is how we applicate it in OXID eShop. If you want to have it another way, you probably have to write an module that changes this function your way.

Regards and have a nice week end!

Hi Marco,

Tks again for your attention and good help.

I will analize it better.
