Lithuanian translation

Hello, I’m new here, so I’m sorry for question. I saw, that there is lithuanian translate of oxid eshop, but I can’t find it. Please, if somebody knows where can I get it, I’ll be apreciate of any info.

Hello & Welcome, Inga!

all translations available under Creative Commons license we collected on this place:
Unfortunately, there is not Lithuanian between it yet. If you are interested in helping with LIT translation, I could open up a new page for this. You will probably not be the only one to work on it :wink:


I’m very suprised: Oxid is being actively develop in lithuania by NFQ and since now there is no language pack…

the thread is 3 years old…

check here, Lithuanian is nearly complete:
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Harko, please feel invited. Any help is appreciated.

BTW: Lithuanian is not finished by 100% yet. But most of what we have there was done by NFQ :wink:


My fault guys i was looking the language files on Exchange…

Hello Harko,

no fault :slight_smile:
Once the translations reach 100% for the store front or completely, they’ll be uploaded to eXchange.
