eFire Connector Installation

I have a problem with the eFire connector setup.
At one point in the setup you have to enter the Shop URL and an admin account for the connector. Well, fine, I set up an admin account and can login to the account manually. The account is an admin account.
My problem is that when I enter the shop URL with protocol ([I]https://host.domain.tld[/I]) I am told the the username and the password aren’t ok. But the form doesn’t tell me what’s wrong. But it gets even better: If I enter a URL without the protocol the same username and password are accepted. If I then press the “Test” button I am then told that the login is incorrect.
Uhm, sorry, I don’t get it. The documentation says I have to enter the protocol but I can’t, because elsewise the form won’t validate. But if I enter the URL without the protocol the form accepts the login and password but claims it’s incorrect during testing.

Is there something I’m missing?

[B]Thanks in advance![/B]


Hi Mat,

try the following:
[li]Enter a http address instead of https. Don’t know where you got that from :-)[/li][li]Use (maybe for testing purposes firstly) the real admin account of your first admin[/li][li]What is about the URI, did you enter it at all? Did you use “/index.php”?[/li][/ul]

Where I got that from? From the Connector Installation Guide from your homepage: :slight_smile:

[I]Tragen Sie hier die Internetadresse ihres eShops ein, z. B.
Wenn Sie über eine SSL-Verschlüsselung verfügen, tragen Sie bitte
die SSL-Adresse ein (Bsp. https://www.ihrshop.de). Ansonsten
reicht die normale http://-Adresse.
Geben Sie die URL ohne abschließenden / ein.[/I]

My problem was that I entered the password, not the hash. Works fine with https now.

Thanks for answering!
