Stock View

I cant find any option to show the real stock. all i can see is a stock status message. any way to show the stock?

2nd question: if i create 2 attributes (new, used) and add articles to it, the attribute isnt shown anywhere. how to display it? for us its important because we sell used AND new articles.

greetz cala

Make sure you have the stock management enabled in the shop settings and you have some number against the stock value in the product properties.

If you have create the attributes you need make sure they are assigned to the products as well as being active. Have a look at the variant option. Might suite you better.

-.> Rico

stock management is enabled, stock values are entered as well. but no values are shown (like: Stock: 34).

attributes are active, assigned to article.

not sure if variants suits better because its an dropdown. a bit strange looking for customers. we dont have articles which are new or used. just different products.

Anyone with a solution yet?

Or is the answer again “modfiy your templates”?



yeah an answer would be nice … still having this prob :slight_smile:

onlineshop für gebrauchte büromöbel

Sorry mates, don’t get the prob yet. What exactly do you want to see?

Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG

Hi Marco,

instead of having the green/yellow/red box for “stock ok”/“low stock”/“no stock” I would like the user to see the absolute amount of parts on stock for every article.

I think that’s the solution what caladan is also looking for too.



yup. our customers need to know how many items we have available exactly. so a number is more helpfull than a “low stock”.

onlineshop für gebrauchte büromöbel

The answer again is “modify your template”: details.tpl, around line 101

Drag the lights away and include $product->oxarticles__oxstock->value instead. Shall not be that difficult.


Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG

even if its simple one question here: isnt it normal to display the amount of stock? why mod the template for it? it should be normal to display the stock. not evry product is available unlimited.

onlineshop für gebrauchte büromöbel

naaa… just keep in mind that the OXID eShop is a standard software and shall fit alot of needs. I know (esp. from personal contacts) that showing the exact amount of the goods in your stock is not wanted by the most…

Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG