OXID eShop 4.3.2 Released and Cumulative Updates Up and Running

Hello everybody,

OXID eShop 4.3.2 is released. Mostly bug fixes and some slight template changes have been made. Additionally, the cumulative packages tool for easy updating is now available. We also introduced a new version of the oxchkversion script that checks whether an update was successful.

Read more about it in this blog post:


Ohh, this bug has still no progress and is still in Version 4.3.2


is there a change log somewhere, could you maybe post a link ? having had problems with previous upgrades which cost me some time to fix i’d like to know if i really need this update before taking the risk …

is this: https://bugs.oxid-esales.com/changelog_page.php page also applicable to the community edition ?


[QUOTE=chris1249;32110]is there a change log somewhere, could you maybe post a link ? having had problems with previous upgrades which cost me some time to fix i’d like to know if i really need this update before taking the risk[/QUOTE]

You’ll find all release notes either in the update package or on one of these pages:

How about checking the update before in a development environment? :wink:


I prefer the “changelog” from the bugtracker, that is a complete list of bugfixes.


Why is the right of withdrawal “preview” ( WithdrawalHeader / WithdrawalText ) in the order.tpl is canceled in the 4.3.2? Is there any reason for that ? There is nothing in the Documentation about that.


Is there any reason for that ?

Yes, probably :slight_smile:
All changes like this have been made after the refresh of the Trusted Shops certification that was made recently and have been built in to version 4.3.2.


From the legal point of view, this makes sense.
Always interessting that TS only sees less than a quarter of the problems. On the other hand: The shop owners have to take care about the legal stuff by themself. A standard system may not fit every possible legal aspect.

The “‘ORDER_RIGHTOFWITHDRAWAL_TEXT’” is not needed any more and can be deleted.

By the way, what do you think about a “Datenschutzerklärung” / data privacy therms . There is nothing about that in the check out process.

off topic on - Micha du hast ne info im skype - off topic off


Fixed module will be released as new version.

it needs no further words

Hello Martina,

it needs no further words[/QUOTE]

If you don’t want to tell something I suggest to use a platform that is different to a forum. You posted a bug that will be fixed. And?


sorry Marco - Deutsch auch wenn Du es nicht magst

Fakt ist, mit 4.3.0 sollte Oxstate ausgeliefert werden, was Ihr auch getan habt.
Fakt ist auch, daß seit 4.3.0 KEIN einziger USA/Canada Kunde via Paypal bezahlen kann
Fakt ist, daß jetzt mit 4.3.2 ein Update erfolgte, welches schon wieder nicht funktioniert
Fakt ist, daß wir jetzt auf eine 4.3.3. warten müssen und UNSERE KUNDEN stehen vor der Shoptür

ähm sollen wir verkaufen oder was dürfen wir noch ???

[QUOTE=Marco Steinhaeuser;32195] You posted a bug that will be fixed. And?


I think that this bug was more than a regular bugpost. This bug makes an stable running oxid shop buggy again. I think you read about my confusion about the PP module in the other thread. Who knows what other effects this bug could have if someone used it in a live shop.
And as far as i know, there is no way to do any testing of the paypalmodule in a testshop. You have to do it in your live shop, with the risk to loose orders. So we depend on a bug-free version of the PP module.

There are also very good news. The bug is already fixed :slight_smile: ( Wow, i think that is a new speed record ) and the PP module 1.5.8 released. Good and fast work. (Ok, i have not tried it yet)

Good morning!

Right, the bug has been fixen immediately, PP users have been informed and can download the new version already. Of cause we know how important it is :wink:


[QUOTE=Marco Steinhaeuser;32228] PP users have been informed and can download the new version already. [/QUOTE]

when ??
latest download link was for 1.5.7, no 1.5.8 email

[QUOTE=laramarco;32235]when ??
latest download link was for 1.5.7, no 1.5.8 email[/QUOTE]

Sry. OXID eShop version 4.3.2 users with eFire PP have been informed by e-mail because only they where concerned.
