How can i enlarge my profile to be the extention provider?


As I mentioned. I want to distribute my work on exchange but i can not find how to enlarge my profile?. I already read the tips but i still don’t know how?.

Thank you,


Hi BitConstructor,

what exactly do you mean by “enlarging your profile”? AFAIK, you have to re-enter your data as a distributor and have a comments field where you can submit additional informations.



Just click “create extension” in OXID eXchange.

You will be redirected to the page “create partner profile (extension provider) -page” if you don´t have one. You will be able to create your extension in the next step.


Lars Sobanski

[QUOTE=Lars Sobanski;32761]Hi,

Just click “create extension” in OXID eXchange.

You will be redirected to the page “create partner profile (extension provider) -page” if you don´t have one. You will be able to create your extension in the next step.


Lars Sobanski[/QUOTE]

So much thank you .

1 Log into your MySpace account
2 Click the “Edit Profile” link.
3 Find the text you want to change.
4 Type “/span” between “<” and “>”–to the right of the text you want to change.