Get order info


I just added one button to order-history, when you click on that button it redirects me to shipping page.

On that shipping page I just display all the information of the order which button I have pressed.

I have the force_sid as OXID in session, how I do? I dont get any clue.

Please can anybody help me out here?

If that is not possible then please tell me how I create order object in shipping page.

This shipping page, I have made from
copied payment.php (views folder) as shipping.php and copied also payment.tpl (tpl folder ) as shipping.tpl.

How I get order object onto the shipping.tpl?

From order object I can easily derived all the data from table. and display as I need.

I just want all information for only one item (Article) in shipping.tpl.

I already set the OXID into the session. But I dont know how to fetch one item’s data from any existing function or class?

Thanks in advance.


Create an object in view class:

    public function getSpecialArticle(){
        //Your Oxid
        $sOxid = "1126";
        $oArticle = oxnew("oxarticle");
        return $oArticle;

and use it in template:

[{assign var="product" value=$oView->getSpecialArticle() }]
Title of special article is: [{$product->oxarticles__oxtitle->value}]

I have no words to say you a thank you.

Live long bro.