How to use OXID functions in tpl files?

There is a list of oxid functions:

how to call them through smarty tags? Or they are available only when writing modules?

Also I can not find a list of all variables and arrays and functions, that is used in .tpl files.

For example:
[{if $rsslinks}] —???
[{foreach from=$rsslinks item=‘rssentry’}]
<link rel=“alternate” type=“application/rss+xml” title="[{$rssentry.title|strip_tags}]" href="[{$}]">

[{ $oView->getViewId() }] -???
[{ $oViewConf->getSelfLink() }] -???

[{if $oView->showTopBasket()}] -???
[{oxid_include_dynamic file=“dyn/top_basket.tpl” type=“basket”}]

Where is a description of them all???
Or I have to guess how it works???

And there is more interesting that I can not use these variables through a simple php code.
print_r(‘Hello world’); //returns ‘Hello world’.
print_r($rsslinks); //returns nothing.

[{$rsslinks}] // returns “Array”

And also I can not understand: why they use ‘smarty’?
Simple PHP is much more easier.
If you see drupal templates of a some theme (.tpl.php), there is no template engine used, and it works great and it is easy to change them.


No chaining possible.

No statics.

This is the reason why there so much [{assign …}] in oxid templates.

Smarty-Plugins (modifier):

Smarty-Plugins (function):
[B][{debug}][/B] -->shows all current smarty-variables in a popup

like Plugins with leading @ in function name. You need everytime a parameter.


or (i think it was)
… maybe $smarty instead of $this?

Chaining of functons in smarty:
function2(function1(‘value’))… i think
I never can see what will happen - everytime try and error - and brackets (…) dont work (well).

sometimes you can use
sometimes this

Yes, smarty is a %$/$%.
Why they use something like a own lexer/parser, if the original language works and is well documentated?

The only nice things are:

  • caching and manipulating pre-compiled templates… i guess every template engine can do it.
  • iterators (foreach) -> i can do it self… if i need.

Edit: a lot of more examples.

There were some efforts to remove smarty:

And your first question: I’m afraid there is no description of all the functions, but you can look in view sourcecode. There are some Variables that are always passed to smarty (by oxview::addGlobalParams) including $oView (current view class) and $oViewConf (some additional data).

You can look for the methods of $oView in the view class itself (e.g. details.php), or its parents oxview and oxubase. The methods of $oViewConf are in class oxviewconfig.

You can use the methods you find there in smarty, or extend the view class to place your own methods there.