Attribute Finder

What would be highly recommendable is an attribute finder as realised in ePages by an extra cartridge.

The standard search just does not fulfil the needs of customers where by clicking you limit your search step-by-step. I know that similar approaches have been realised by some partners but then why not make it standard. An excellent search function is basic for the success of eCommerce.

Hi didi,

thanks for that great input!

Something like a product finder must be already implemented

IMO, the feature request is probably to point it out in standard releases, right?

Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG

Hi Marco,

thanks for the reference. Yes, I believe that this should become a standard feature. I see this a being demanded very often - not only by us.

Regards, Didi

Auction-based car sharing with Google Maps:

BMW Cruiser:

Hi Didi,

as I mentioned above, actually we have got it but it’s a bit hidden…

Go to admin -> attributes and assign the “Clocks” category to attributes like “Display” or “Material”.

Turn to front end, category “Clocks” now. Here we go! Kind of easteregg(ish), isn’t it :slight_smile:

Alright, our feature request now is to bring it up shopwide (not assigned to categories only) as a third navigation besides the navigation tree and the onsite search, right?

Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG

Hello Marco,

no, I would not recommend to bring it up shopwide (not assigned to categories only) because then, it would create too many possible fields.

What I meant is that the visual display as a standard should not only be one or several drop-down fields as in OXID at the moment but also tick-boxes as shown in this example.

because the user interface is much better both for using as well as for potential search results.

Regards, Didi

Auction-based car sharing with Google Maps:
BMW Cruiser:

This maybe depends on what you sell: For a shop that sells niche products only, let’s say sport shoes, it absolutely makes sense to have it shopwide. Another one needs to have it in categories because totally different products are sold. Maybe best solution is to let the shop owner choose. Don’t know if this is applicable.

Same thing here I think. If you have a bunch of attributes, you might have a better overview listing them in a drop down box. To switch to tick-boxes is pretty easily done in the templates.


__________________ Marco Steinhäuser Community Guide OXID eSales AG

This maybe depends on what you sell: For a shop that sells niche products only, let’s say sport shoes, it absolutely makes sense to have it shopwide. Another one needs to have it in categories because totally different products are sold. Maybe best solution is to let the shop owner choose. Don’t know if this is applicable.

Same thing here I think. If you have a bunch of attributes, you might have a better overview listing them in a drop down box. To switch to tick-boxes is pretty easily done in the templates.


__________________ Marco Steinhäuser Community Guide OXID eSales AG


Hello Marco,

thanks, our ITler has just realized that. Thanks for all your advise.

Regards, Didi

Auction-based car sharing with Google Maps:

BMW Cruiser:


I am this “ITler” :wink:

I found the code in list.tpl in the section <div class=“catfilter”>…</div>

I changed it to checkboxes and got the right functionality. Almost.

One last request:

I would like to have the unavailable options still visible as disabled checkboxes (again: see e.g.)

I found out that the collection $oView->getAttributes only contains the available attributes and can’t find a collection that contains all attributes.

(Maybe I just don’t know it as I only work with Oxid for 2 Days now :wink: )

Maybe you can help…

Thanks and regards,


Hi ITler :slight_smile:

this is strange. Because of massive requests we changed that function from all attributes to assigned attributes with version4. Anyway… search in the view classes for the getAttributes method and override it with a module your way to keep the system updatable.


Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG