Shipping cost always 0.00 Euro


im using CE 4.4.5.
i folowed the instructions here:

but in Step 4 there are always shipinng cost = 0.00 euro.
i tried some other configuration combinations, but nothing worked.

i always emtied the tmp-folder and in
"admin>>grundeinstellung>> performance>> Versandkosten berechnen"
the box “versandkosten berechnen” is checked.

i have absolutly no idea where the problem might be and would be happy if somebody has any idea to solve this problem.

update: in step 3 (payment method): the cost for the choosen shipment-method are not displayed either.

in table oxarticles all products had oxfreeshipping = 1.

update `oxarticles` set oxfreeshipping = 0;

solved the problem :slight_smile:

Hi Martin,

thanks for your solution.
If you can reproduce it in the demoshop, it belongs to the bugtracker. Otherwise, it might have been a problem in your shop only?


was a problem in my shop only. -> bad product import script