Multiple Persparams problem


I wrote a function which creates according to the quantity of the same products
in a basket several persParams.
I then have a structure something like this:

persParams[0] -> something
persParams[1] -> something

But I don’t manage to write the persParams (if e.g. user is changing them).
I have a smarty loop (section) with an $index according to quantity of persparams:

[{assign var=index value=$basketitem->getAmount()}]
[{ section name=“i” start=1 loop=$index+1 step=1 }]
[{assign var=“aParams” value=$basketitem->getPersParams()}]

and here the problem::

<input id=“persparamInput_[{$basketitem->getProductId()}]_Firma” type=“text” size=“30” name=“aproducts[[{ $basketindex }]][persparam][Firma]” value="[{$aParams.Firma}]">

if I write: aproducts[[{ $basketindex }]][persparam][$index][Firma], nothing happens.

Anyone knows how to deal with this??

Thanks in advance!

if I write: aproducts[[{ $basketindex }]][persparam][$index][Firma], nothing happens.
I think, the brackets are not correct.
aproducts[[{ $basketindex }]][persparam][B][[{$index}]][/B][Firma]