Multidimensional variant pictures

We’re building an Oxid site with multidimensional variants for a clothing store with 1000+ products. If a particular product is available, for example, in Red | Small, Red | Medium, Red | Large, Blue | Large and Blue | XL, is there away to avoid having to repeatedly upload the same pictures of the article for each variant combination? In other words, we want to avoid having to upload the same Red pictures 3 times and the Blue pictures 2 times?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or clarification…

Well, you can use select lists for the sizes instead of variants. So only the color are variants, with there pictures.

That 's so great info !

[QUOTE=Uwe rupprecht;52284]Well, you can use select lists for the sizes instead of variants. So only the color are variants, with there pictures.[/QUOTE]

However, then it is not possible to manage stock properly. Is there any suitable solutions for this problem?

The only solution we came up with was to create an import process to upload the product data from a csv and a zipped directory of images that were each named in a specific manner so we could automate adding them correctly to the database.