PDF Invoice

Hi Oxid Users.

I have a small problem with the PDF Invoice. How can I fix the Date on the invoice, so that i doesn’t change every time I open it. Fact is I need the invoice to show the date of the order and not the actual date.

Thanks alot.


check here: http://www.oxid-esales.com/forum/showthread.php?t=777#post11204

invoice date = payment date

Just to help a bit more, ill try to translate it for you:

to make Invoicedate == orderdate change

~Line 481

protected function _setPayUntilInfo( &$iStartPos )
//removes "please pay until"
$text = $this->_oData->translate( 'ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_PAYED' );
$this->font( 'Arial', '', 10 );
$this->text( 15, $iStartPos + 4, $text );
$iStartPos += 4;

~Line 913

// shop city Use paymentdate instead of actual date
$aPaymentDate = explode( ' ', $this->oxorder__oxpaid->value );
$sPaymentDate = oxUtilsDate::getInstance()->formatDBDate( $aPaymentDate[0]);
$sText = $oShop->oxshops__oxcity->value.', '.$sPaymentDate;

delivery slip:
~Line 1039

// shops city  Use paymentdate instead of actual date
$aPaymentDate = explode( ' ', $this->oxorder__oxpaid->value );
$sPaymentDate = oxUtilsDate::getInstance()->formatDBDate( $aPaymentDate[0]);
$sText = $oShop->oxshops__oxcity->value.', '.$sPaymentDate;
$oPdf->setFont( 'Arial', '', 10 );
$oPdf->text( 195 - $oPdf->getStringWidth( $sText ), 95, $sText );

Now the date of invoice and delivery slip have the date of the payment

Now you could change ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_PAYED in basic/admin/language/ to inform your custumers about that.

To display in footer BIC, IBAN, cellphonenumer, TaxNumerber and PID

/*$oPdf->line( 15, 272, 195, 272 );*/

/* column 1 - company name, shop owner info, shop address */
$oPdf->setFont( 'Arial', 'B', 7 );
$oPdf->text( 15, 275, strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxcompany->value ) );
$oPdf->setFont( 'Arial', '', 7 );
$oPdf->text( 15, 278, strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxfname->value ).' '. strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxlname->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 15, 281, strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxstreet->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 15, 284, strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxzip->value ).' '. strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxcity->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 15, 287, '' ), strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxcountry->value ) );

/* column 2 - phone, fax, url, email address */
$oPdf->text( 50, 275, $this->translate( 'ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_PHONE' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxtelefon->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 50, 278, $this->translate( 'ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_FAX' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxtelefax->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 50, 281, $this->translate( 'Email: ' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 50, 284, $this->translate( 'Internet: ' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxurl->value ) );
// Hier kann man noch eine Mobilnummer einfügen
$oPdf->text( 50, 287, ''), $this->translate( 'Mobil: +49 (170) 12345678' ) );

/* column 3 - bank information */
$oPdf->text( 100, 275, strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxbankname->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 100, 278, $this->translate( 'ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_ACCOUNTNR' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxbanknumber->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 100, 281, $this->translate( 'ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_BANKCODE' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxbankcode->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 100, 284, $this->translate('BIC: ' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxbiccode->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 100, 287, $this->translate('IBAN: ' ).strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxibannumber->value ) );

/* column 4 - VAT information */
$oPdf->text( 145, 275, 'ESt.Nr.111/222/33333 Finanzamt XXX' );
$oPdf->text( 145, 278, $this->translate('UStID: ').strip_tags( $oShop->oxshops__oxvatnumber->value ) );
$oPdf->text( 145, 281, 'PID: kann hier noch stehen' );
$oPdf->text( 145, 284, '' );
$oPdf->text( 145, 287, '' );

