Assign User Group to Coupon Series

Hello everyone,

When I’m assigning products and/or categories to some coupon series, I can found all those relations into a database table: oxobject2category, but user-groups that are assigned to coupon series do not exist there.

Any help where I can found user-groups that are assigned to coupon-series?


I guess they exist in another table.
You asked almost the same question already 3 times and I described twice the method how you can find out the stuff you need, which obviously worked for you, since you have found oxobject2category table. Is there any reason why you can not use the same method one more time?

Okay, sorry.
You can delete the topic.

@vanilla_thunder - i need write this :slight_smile: you have unique style of helping to the others

If this can help to someone, table is oxobject2group :wink: