Available Variables in Templates


is there somthing newer than this somewhere?


This is for Version 3 of the Shop, right? How much of that could i adapt to 4.0.1?



do not use the old variables from version 3.0 - cause allthough most of them do still work, they are deprecated and will proabably not be available any longer up from version 4.1.

Up from 4.0 one should use the get-functions in templates and no longer the object-properties (appart from database fields). For the get-functions you do not realy need any documetation cause most of them are quite intuitional. What you do need to know are the available objects e. g. the $oViewConf-object. Just have a closer look at the standard template files and very soon you will understand how it works. For example, if you need the URL to the image directory, you need to now the object $oViewConf - and then - how could a getter-function be named which gets an image URL? - Yes, off course - it’s $oViewConf->getImageUrl(). And so on …


Andreas Ziethen - Geschäftsführeranzido GmbH - ecommerce in guten händen!
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