Class extentions

I’m extending the oxarticle class, and don’t have any problem with that, but when I try to use a function from the parent class, I always get Function ‘getVariantsCount’ does not exist or is not accessible!
Anyone can point me what i’m doing wrong?

‘oxarticle’ => …/Model/…_oxArticle’

Where do you call function?

I’m calling the getVariantsCount function in my extended_oxarticle class.

Can i use :
public function getVariantsCount()
return parent::getVariantsCount();

Which version you use in your metadata.php? 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1?
What does your metadata look like?
What does your class look like?

metadata 1.0
class myclass_oxArticle extends myclass_oxArticle_parent
protected $_ProductPrice = null;

public function getVar()
    return parent::getVariantsCount();
public function checkAdminVATMode(){
        return true;
    return false;


$sMetadataVersion = ‘1.0’;


  • Module information
    $aModule = array(
    ‘id’ => ‘MyModule’,
    ‘title’ => ‘mymodule’,
    ‘description’ => ‘mymodule’,
    ‘thumbnail’ => ‘picture.png’,
    ‘version’ => ‘1.0’,
    ‘author’ => ‘mymodule’,
    ‘email’ => ‘[email protected]’,
    ‘url’ => ‘’
    , ‘extend’ => array
    * Model Extensions.

     'oxarticle'             => 'MyModule/Model/mymodule_oxArticle'


All my custom function are working without a problem, but when i try to call a function in my productmain.tpl from oxarticle(like getVariantsCount) i get Function ‘getVariantsCount’ does not exist or is not accessible!

Do you see the difference between myclass_oxArticle & mymodule_oxArticle ?

sorrry i mistyped the name(but its the same name) my custom functions are working fine.

public function getVar()
return parent::getVariantsCount();

I think this is not working, the function name must be the same I think public function getVariantsCount()

All my custom function are working without a problem, but when i try to call a function in my productmain.tpl from oxarticle(like getVariantsCount) i get Function ‘getVariantsCount’ does not exist or is not accessible!

oxarticle is a model and no controller, only controller functions you can use in frontend templates like $oView->...

I tried with public function getVariantsCount() but still the same problem…

Which shop version you use?

Did you try



Yes, I tried that but still the same problem.
oxid version 4.6

This is your problem… The function getVariantsCount don’t exists in Version 4.6.0 see

Oh, not the same shop like in your avatar?
Yes, that’s your problem…