Correction to NGINX config

There is a nice tutorial on setting up NGINX here:

Running OXID eShop Community Edition On Nginx

It’s also mentioned in the tutorial sections of oxidforge. Just want to make a correction to the config that’s supplied in the tutorial. It’s actually the same correction I made to a lighttpd config that was posted in the forum here a while back.

The location block

       location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /oxseo.php;

should instead be

       location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /oxseo.php?$args;

Otherwise you’ll get some erroneous behavior in various locations of the shop because the query string is dropped on the internal redirect.

thanks for sharing!

I will add a short note about this correction to the tutorial

I’m still in the learning process with NGINX but, from what I’ve discovered recently, the config file in the previously mentioned tutorial should not be used! It’s not secure!

My testing revealed that if you use this file as is, anybody can come and download raw PHP files from the site (including those under the core and modules directories). Wish I could recommend something better but I don’t know myself at this stage.

I’ll leave a comment with regards to this on the tutorial page.