What does it means and what shell I do???:eek:
Where is this template to be found?
Please, my dear community, I need URGENT help!
Thank you
What does it means and what shell I do???:eek:
Where is this template to be found?
Please, my dear community, I need URGENT help!
Thank you
My dear Slava,
please check your shop with this tool:
Probably something went wrong while updating, changing or uploading some files.
Dear Marco
that is about! I made upgrade to 4.3.2. All well. Then I did check with oxchkversion and it showed to me a lot of files they did not belong to this version. Some of these files where from earlier versions and they did not belong to these one, but some of them where shown like coming from no where or they did not belong to any version. I do not know what it means but it was logical to me that I should delete them. Is that correct?
But, at the same time, happened one another mistake. My intention was to rewrite the shop from local to remote and I did it per drag and drop. Instead to rewrite the folder shop, it was copied. That way I had in folder Shop one more Shop!
It was urgent to react therefor I had to use back up copy. I am going to repeat upgrade but I am not quite sure what from this two caused the problem. Was it deleting files or double shop?
I am tankful for your help
Hi Slava,
that sounds very confusing, doesn’t it?
I would do the following:
what do you mean with " adapt the config.inc.php so it works with your old database" ?
I mean, I already have my old version from backup and config.inc.php is from that version.
thank you
by default, the config.inc.php comes with this entry that shall be filled with “real” data:
/** @name database information */ $this->dbHost = '<dbHost_ce>'; // database host name $this->dbName = '<dbName_ce>'; // database name $this->dbUser = '<dbUser_ce>'; // database user name $this->dbPwd = '<dbPwd_ce>'; // database user password
ok. That is clear.
But pleas tell me what is correct to do after my upgrade is finished. then I am going to check with oxchkversion. It will show all not o.k. files. Am I going to delete them or not?
Thank you very much Marco
the best regards
Am I going to delete them or not?
Depends on what it is: If you uploaded word documents to your shop, they do not belong there and will be shown as “unknown” by oxchkversion. Shop files that are shown as “unknown” are changed and shall be replaced by the original files. If you had to change code in the files to alter the functionality - it is actually not the right way it shall be done. For changing functionality you ought to write modules.
That is what is confusing me. I never done things like that. It should not be any file with unknown origin but there are pretty much of them like that.
Ok. If I understand well, I am going to delete those which belongs to earlier versions. The others I am going to try to detect from where are they and to replace them with original files. Correct?
this may happen from time to time during file down- or upload and is called CRC errors.
[quote]Ok. If I understand well, I am going to delete those which belongs to earlier versions. The others I am going to try to detect from where are they and to replace them with original files. Correct?[quote]
If you didn’t change anything like you say, you can replace all files from the shop by the new version. Just take care you keep your (adapted?) templates.
Ok Marco.
thank you very much for helping me. I will come back to tell you the results.