you see the “cl=”? that means “class”, so you can check the active class just like like you did it before (watch the top of this page of the first page of thos thread)
I tryed the old working way, that did what you suggested and tryed messing around with it, to see if i could find the new way to do it? any suggestions
doesnt CL means something with controller? class in css is just the design. Where contact.tpl and marketplace.tpl is much more then that…
"[{oxid_include_widget cl=“oxwMiniBasket” nocookie=$blAnon force_sid=$force_sid}]"
" [B][I][U]cl[/U][/I][/B] describes that the controller can be found in application/components/widgets/oxwminibasket.php. force_sid is used to pass the sessionID to the widget in order to get the content of the cart. "
No one has any idea?
maybe i should start a new threat. guess must who is interested in helping, is not interested in having to read 3 pages…