Help to understand about OXID cache, etc

I have some question because of it is frustrating me from the beggining of my work with oxid.

Many times i thought that my module don’t work but for example after clearing tmp folder, update db views it run correct.
Yesterday i try to fix some problem with my simple module in home without any success. On oxid vm it was working correct on shared server it’s not. I was cleared tmp folder, etc. and it was still not working. This morning I launch it on work and what? It’s working correct. Could it be the reason is some server cache?

I noticed some few things which i done and which makes change result of my work:

  1. Clear tmp folder
  2. Update DB Views
  3. Turn off/on my module
  4. Clearing browser cache and all data
  5. … and the last… wait for next day :wink:
  • Depands of what i should clear tmp folder? views? etc.?
  • Why sometimes after turn module on and off (simple module with only one widget) it works?
  • Maybe important is to make this operations (clear tmp, etc.) in correct order?

Could someone explain me in few simple words mechanism of oxid cache, views in db, tmp files…
or give me some hints?

tmp folder is for data and smarty cache. If you turn on “check templates for changes” in backend, you do not have to clear smarty cache on template changes, except for changes in template-blocks. Those are cleared by clearing tmp or switch module on/off. Data cache stores many different things, it should be cleared whenever you change anything (data, db structure, etc) directly in the database.

You need to update views only after changing db structure

is needed on changes in metadata or teplate blocks

Strg-F5 should be OK

Hm, maybe you cleared browser cache but left cookies in place. For session-related stuff, basket etc, you need to clear cookies to start a new session after changes.

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thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

if your module extends session, you will have to restart your session. (e.g. by deleting cookies)

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Sorry… but i was searching for this options… on which panel is it?

Performance tab in master settings

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