Kindly describe this point …
How can i change my Oxid eShop Template or Skin some like joomla software, if you know a huge collection avilable joomla software Templates on internet. Joomla software Template changing way is very simple,
my wish is i can do change my Oxid eShop Template same like joomla.
Imran al Qadri
Hello Imran al Quadri,
to switch to another template is as easy as probably everywhere else: Just have a look into your where you can alter the entry $this->sTheme = ‘basic’; to whatever you want. Furthermore, it is possible to change the look of your shop adopting the templates in the template set your way.
If your request is for another template set which is available out there, I have no idea. Maybe the others know where to download alternative OXID template sets?
Best regards
Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG