How to send selected data from form to controller?


How can I send the selected data from the form to the controller?

I have:

[{foreach from=$manufacturers item="manufacturer"}]
  <li onclick="manSelector.submit();manSelector();">
  <input type='hidden' name="editval[oxmanufacturers__oxtitle]" value="[{ $manufacturer }]">				


$aParams = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("editval");

I am getting all the manufacturers and not the selected one.

Thank you,

This must be so, because each hidden field in the foreach has a value and not just the selection. The hidden field usually has nothing to look for in the foreach. Here only the selection from the list is re-written.

Dear Martina,

I was looking for a solution on a problem when I found this post and I think that you would be able to help me. I am still new to oxid and I am having a hard time finding my way around it.

I am trying to connect a submit button of a form to a function in a controller.

As I examine your code, I think that the following part is what I am looking for:

  • Could you please explain to me what are manSelector.submit() and manSelector() in your code, and where are they located in your project? Is manSelector a controller class that contains a method submit? Am I even close? Or are these methods maybe located in the same file as your form?

    I would appreciate it a lot if you could give me a hint.

    Thank you very much!

  • Those are just basic Javascript selector and function, nothing oxid specific.
    Have a look at literally any form in shop. You will find a set of hidden fields, there will be at least “fnc”, which tells the controller what to do, and there might be additional fields for all data this function needs.


    Thank you very much!