Info pdf downloads

Obviously something is wrong, but i cannot work out what it is.

Have choosen a product, uploaded (und downloads) 2 pdfs, unclicked only available after purchase.

But still no download link appears by my product.

What am i missing ?

ps also under master settings have allowed downloadable products (although strictly speaking that should not be needed as the pdfs are NOT the product)


sorry, can’t get your point.


i have a product…then in admin for the product, i go to the tab downloads, upload a pdf which every one whos interested in the product can download.

But no tab turns up by my product for downloads - where of course the pdf should be.

…does that make sense ?

are the uploaded pdfs in the folder or not?
if no - check the directory permissions

which folder are they supposed to be in ?

  • permissions are fine on out/ pictures & media & downloads

It seems a bit weird that even in admin, i can delete them but not preview them.


you should upload your pdf here…

you have used the “download product” feature which is used to sell downloadable products (ebooks, mp3 or similar)

those need to be purchased first and then can be downloaded after checkout in customers account section or via link in the order-email

If you want to provide additional information for a product, maybe a technical sheeth or detailed information pdf which can be seen in the tab, you need to use the upload of media-files which nickname has specified in his screenshot

ok - have got it now, ok i cannot adjust the order of my media files.
So now have to delete the video, so that my pdf is first, and then re-add the video.

Hmmmm, this does not make a great deal of sense, especially as by the “downloads” in admin - so the “downloadable products” you have the option “Download is available only after purchase”, which you would think must also mean, download is available without purchase.

Seeing as i now have 4 pdfs by my product, all marked with without “Download is available only after purchase” and also marked with "Enable download of files for this product"
Where would i theoretically see these pdfs ?

I have also put in a high number for downloads for non registered users.


the discussion appears a little bit confusing to me.

To clarify your needs, please advise if you simply want a number of public available info pdfs in any case (e.g. icon w/download) and maybe some demo videos in product details view?

To clarify your needs, please advise if you simply want a number of public available info pdfs in any case (e.g. icon w/download) and maybe some demo videos in product details view?[/QUOTE]

It was confusing for me too :slight_smile:

Yes thats exactly what i want, i have a complex product, for which i want to have “additional” info, in this case 3 pdfs with product details and a video.

I have now suceeded in getting it working, but it strikes me that

  1. The Extended -> media part, is not very clear at all, i cannot change the order there, and to get a pdf logo(icon) by the pdfs, i have to change the templates.

2… I still have absolutely no idea what the Downloads with “Download is available only after purchase” unclicked is for ?
And from the lack of explanations here, neither has anyone else :slight_smile:

Then please check this for example:

One PDF-Icon provides a zipped PDF for Download and the other one opens the PDF-Reader plugin right in your browser. Standard is only one in Oxid but you can extend it by adding an additional column for each PDF or File to DB oxarticles table like that:


And you need to extend the template accordingly in following section:

[{if $product->oxarticles__oxfile->value}] …
[{if $product->oxarticles__oxfile2->value}] …

[QUOTE=soup;111323]I I still have absolutely no idea what the Downloads with “Download is available only after purchase” unclicked is for ?[/QUOTE]

don´t mess two different features, one is only for customer information (which you are using now) and the other one is for selling digital (download) products

if you unclick this option, you can immediately download the product after finishing the checkout, no matter if the payment was done already


And from the lack of explanations here, neither has anyone else :-)[/QUOTE]

I am a bit astonished why you would say that. There were four peeps explaining that you are mixing up two completely different features, “downloadable products” and “media files”.
Intrigued to know what “Download is available only after purchase” is for? See this video:


i have understood this now but from an english language point of view “Download is available only after purchase”, when unclicked means " “Download is available” ie without purchase.
And also the other checkbox "Maximum count of downloads for not registered users"
can easily together be interpretated as

  • downloads, for non registered users, without purchase ie …everyone

And as initially when in products, and there is a tab that says “Downloads(not downloadable products in fact no where does it say downloadable products)” its understandable when confusion arises.

From a useability point of view it would make sense to make this a bit clearer, thats all.

  • i’m not trying to start an argument here either, merely saying is all

@Earlybird are you saying there should already be a pdf icon in the template automatically for pdfs ?

Good point soup - thanks for mentioning the confusion due to unclear naming of options!


The PDF icon does not appear automatically. You can copy it from my website, check the path there and put it to your folder. Then write something like this code snippet for the icon and text aside in the template (old Shop Version 448):

<img src="[{$oViewConf->getImageUrl()}]pdficon_16x16.png" alt=“PDF-Download”> [{ $product->oxarticles__oxfiletext->value }]

ah right with you now

for anyone else looking, have added the following to details -> inc -> media tpl
in the foreach loop of the files

  • this is only necessay you have more than 1 type of file, if just pdfs then leave out the assign and if part

[{assign var="fileext" value=$oMediaUrl->oxmediaurls__oxurl->value|pathinfo:$smarty.const.PATHINFO_EXTENSION }]
	      <p>[{if $fileext eq 'pdf'}]<img src="[{$oViewConf->getImageUrl()}]pdficon_16x16.png" alt="PDF-Download"> [{/if}][{ $product->oxarticles__oxfiletext->value }] [{$oMediaUrl->getHtml()}]</p>