ich bin neu hier im Forum, daher erstmal ein Hallo in die Runde : )
Ich würde gerne die OXID Software benutzen und bin bei 1&1. Der Webspace oder Server wurde auch schon auf php 5 geparst und eine MySQL Datenbank existiert auch schon.
Gut jetzt kommt das Problem.
Wenn ich den Installer ausführen möchte, kriege ich anstatt des Installers folgendes untenstehendes Codegemetzel.
Ich kann damit leider nichts anfangen, weiß jemand Hilfe? Ein Hostwechsel kommt erstmal nicht in Frage, da ich bei 1&1 nicht aus dem Vertrag rauskomme und ich Doppelzahlungen vermeiden möchte.
Gruß keuper
PS: Ui, der sagt mir gerade mein Beitrag sei zu groß, also das was ihr hier seht ist nicht die komplette Fehlermeldung, ich musste was rauskürzen sonst kann ich keinen Beitrag erstellen.
. * * @link http://www.oxid-esales.com * @package setup * @copyright © OXID eSales AG 2003-2009 * @version OXID eShop CE * $Id: index.php 23384 2009-10-20 12:58:12Z vilma $ */ error_reporting( (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE) | E_STRICT ); global $aSetupSteps; $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_SYSTEMREQ’] = 100; // 0 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_WELCOME’] = 200; // 1 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_LICENSE’] = 300; // 2 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DB_INFO’] = 400; // 3 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DB_CONNECT’] = 410; // 31 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DB_CREATE’] = 420; // 32 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DIRS_INFO’] = 500; // 4 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DIRS_WRITE’] = 510; // 41 $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_FINISH’] = 700; // 6 ob_start(); $sVerPrefix = ‘’; $sVerPrefix = ‘_ce’; $sBaseShopId = ‘oxbaseshop’; // Session Handling $sSID = null; if ( isset( $_GET[‘sid’] ) ) { $sSID = $_GET[‘sid’]; } elseif ( isset( $_POST[‘sid’] ) ) { $sSID = $_POST[‘sid’]; } // creating array to store persistent data global $aPersistentData; $aPersistentData = array(); //decoding data from “sid” variable if ( isset( $sSID ) && strlen( $sSID ) ) { $aSIDData = base64_decode( $sSID ); if ( $aSIDData !== false ) { // unserializing persistent data $aPersistentData = unserialize( $aSIDData ); } } $sSetupLang = getSetupLang(); include_once $sSetupLang . ‘/lang.php’; //storring country value settings to session if ( isset( $_POST[‘country_lang’] ) ) { // store to session $aPersistentData[‘country_lang’] = $_POST[‘country_lang’]; } //storring dyn pages settings to session if ( isset( $_POST[‘use_dynamic_pages’] ) ) { // store to session $aPersistentData[‘use_dynamic_pages’] = $_POST[‘use_dynamic_pages’]; } //storring dyn pages settings to session if ( isset( $_POST[‘check_for_updates’] ) ) { // store to session $aPersistentData[‘check_for_updates’] = $_POST[‘check_for_updates’]; } // startup if ( isset( $_GET[‘istep’] ) && $_GET[‘istep’] ) { $istep = $_GET[‘istep’]; } elseif ( isset( $_POST[‘istep’] ) && $_POST[‘istep’] ) { $istep = $_POST[‘istep’]; } else { $istep = $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_SYSTEMREQ’]; } // store eula to session if ( isset( $_POST[‘iEula’] ) ) { // store to session $aPersistentData[‘eula’] = $iEula = $_POST[‘iEula’]; } elseif ( isset( $aPersistentData[‘eula’] ) ) { $iEula = $aPersistentData[‘eula’]; } else { $iEula = 0; } // routing table if ( !$iEula && $istep > $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_LICENSE’] ) { $istep = $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_FINISH’]; $sMessage = $aLang[‘ERROR_SETUP_CANCELLED’]; include “headitem.php”; ?>
“; return $sMessage; } if ( !@chmod( $sPath, 0755)) { global $iRedir2Step; $iRedir2Step = $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DIRS_INFO’]; $sMessage .= sprintf( $aLang[‘ERROR_CHMOD’], $sPath ) . “
”; } if ( !is_writable( $sPath) ) { global $iRedir2Step; $iRedir2Step = $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DIRS_INFO’]; $sMessage .= sprintf( $aLang[‘ERROR_NOT_WRITABLE’], $sPath ) . “
”; return $sMessage; } return; } function ParseQuery( $sSQL) { // parses query into single pieces $aRet = array(); $blComment = false; $blQuote = false; $sThisSQL = “”; $aLines = explode( “
”, $sSQL); // parse it foreach ( $aLines as $sLine) { $iLen = strlen( $sLine); for ( $i = 0; $i < $iLen; $i++) { if ( !$blQuote && ( $sLine[$i] == ‘#’ || ( $sLine[0] == ‘-’ && $sLine[1] == ‘-’))) $blComment = true; // add this char to current command if ( !$blComment) $sThisSQL .= $sLine[$i]; // test if quote on if ( ($sLine[$i] == ‘’’ && $sLine[$i-1] != ‘\’) ) $blQuote = !$blQuote; // toggle // now test if command end is reached if ( !$blQuote && $sLine[$i] == ‘;’) { // add this $sThisSQL = trim( $sThisSQL); if ( $sThisSQL) { $sThisSQL = str_replace( “\r”, “”, $sThisSQL); $aRet[] = $sThisSQL; } $sThisSQL = “”; } } // comments and quotes can’t run over newlines $blComment = false; $blQuote = false; } return $aRet; } function OpenDatabase( $aDB) { global $aLang, $aSetupSteps; // ok open DB $oDB = @mysql_connect( $aDB[‘dbHost’], $aDB[‘dbUser’], $aDB[‘dbPwd’]); if ( !$oDB) { $iRedir2Step = $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DB_INFO’]; $sMessage = $aLang[‘ERROR_DB_CONNECT’] . " - " . mysql_error(); include(“headitem.php”); include(“bottomitem.php”); exit(); } @mysql_select_db( $aDB[‘dbName’], $oDB); return $oDB; } function QueryFile( $sFilename, $aDB) { global $aLang, $aSetupSteps; $sProblems= “”; $fp = @fopen( $sFilename, “r”); if ( !$fp) { // problems with file $iRedir2Step = $aSetupSteps[‘STEP_DB_INFO’]; $sMessage = sprintf( $aLang[‘ERROR_OPENING_SQL_FILE’], $sFilename ); include(“headitem.php”); include(“bottomitem.php”); exit(); } $sQuery = fread ($fp, filesize( $sFilename)); fclose ($fp); $aQueries = ParseQuery( $sQuery); $sDBVersion = GetDatabaseVersion($aDB); $oDB = OpenDatabase( $aDB); if ( version_compare($sDBVersion, “5”)>0) { //disable STRICT db mode if there are set any (mysql >= 5). mysql_query(“SET @@session.sql_mode = ‘’”, $oDB); } // P /* if ( version_compare($sDBVersion, “4.1.1”)>0) { //set default charset (mysql >= 4.1.1). mysql_query(“ALTER DATABASE “.$aDB[‘dbName’].” CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci;”, $oDB); } */ $sProblems = “”; foreach ( $aQueries as $sQuery) { if ( !mysql_query( $sQuery, $oDB)) { $sProblems .= $sQuery . “
”; } } return $sProblems; } function GetDatabaseVersion($aDB) { $oDB = OpenDatabase( $aDB); $rRecords = mysql_query(“SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘version’”, $oDB); $aRow = mysql_fetch_row($rRecords); return $aRow[1]; } function AlreadySetUp() { global $sVerPrefix; return false; $sConfig = join(”", file("…/config.inc.php")); if ( strpos($sConfig, “”) === false) return true; return false; } function generateUID() { $suID = substr( session_id(), 0, 3) . uniqid( “”, true); return $suID; } function getSID() { global $aPersistentData; $sPersData = serialize( $aPersistentData); return base64_encode( $sPersData); } function removeDir( $sPath, $blDeleteSuccess) { // setting path to remove $d = dir( $sPath); $d->handle; while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ( $entry != “.” && $entry != “…”) { $sFilePath = $sPath."/".$entry; if ( is_file($sFilePath)) { // setting file status deletable $blThisChMod = is_writable($sFilePath) ? true : @chmod( $sFilePath, 0755); //deleting file if possible if ( $blThisChMod) $blThisChMod = @unlink ( $sFilePath); // setting global deletion status $blDeleteSuccess = $blDeleteSuccess * $blThisChMod; } elseif ( is_dir($sFilePath)) { // removing direcotry contents removeDir( $sFilePath, $blDeleteSuccess); // setting directory status deletable $blThisChMod = is_writable($sFilePath) ? true : @chmod( $sFilePath, 0755); //deleting directory if possible if ( $blThisChMod) $blThisChMod = @rmdir ( $sFilePath); // setting global deletion status $blDeleteSuccess = $blDeleteSuccess * $blThisChMod; } else // there are some other objects ? $blDeleteSuccess = $blDeleteSuccess * false; } } $d->close(); return $blDeleteSuccess; } function saveDynPagesSettings() { global $aPersistentData; global $sVerPrefix; $oConfk = new Conf(); $sBaseOut = ‘oxbaseshop’; // disabling usage of dynamic pages if shop country is international if (empty($aPersistentData[‘country_lang’])) { $aPersistentData[‘use_dynamic_pages’] = ‘false’; } $sID1 = generateUID(); $sQConfDelete1 = “delete from oxconfig where oxvarname = ‘blLoadDynContents’”; $sQConfInsert1 = “insert into oxconfig (oxid, oxshopid, oxvarname, oxvartype, oxvarvalue) values(’$sID1’, ‘$sBaseOut’, ‘blLoadDynContents’, ‘bool’, ENCODE( '”.$aPersistentData[‘use_dynamic_pages’]."’, ‘".$oConfk->sConfigKey."’))"; $sID2 = generateUID(); $sQConfDelete2 = “delete from oxconfig where oxvarname = ‘sShopCountry’”; $sQConfInsert2 = “insert into oxconfig (oxid, oxshopid, oxvarname, oxvartype, oxvarvalue) values(’$sID2’, ‘$sBaseOut’, ‘sShopCountry’, ‘str’, ENCODE( '”.$aPersistentData[‘country_lang’]."’, ‘".$oConfk->sConfigKey."’))"; $sID3 = generateUID(); $sQConfDelete3 = “delete from oxconfig where oxvarname = ‘blCheckForUpdates’”; $sQConfInsert3 = “insert into oxconfig (oxid, oxshopid, oxvarname, oxvartype, oxvarvalue) values(’$sID3’, ‘$sBaseOut’, ‘blCheckForUpdates’, ‘bool’, ENCODE( '”.$aPersistentData[‘check_for_updates’]."’, ‘".$oConfk->sConfigKey."’))"; mysql_query($sQConfDelete1); mysql_query($sQConfInsert1); mysql_query($sQConfDelete2); mysql_query($sQConfInsert2); mysql_query($sQConfDelete3); mysql_query($sQConfInsert3); } function setMySqlCollation( $iUtfMode ) { $aCollation = array(); if ($iUtfMode) { $aCollation[] = “ALTER SCHEMA CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci”; $aCollation[] = “set names ‘utf8’”; $aCollation[] = “set character_set_database=utf8”; $aCollation[] = “SET CHARACTER SET latin1”; $aCollation[] = “SET CHARACTER_SET_CONNECTION = utf8”; $aCollation[] = “SET character_set_results = utf8”; $aCollation[] = “SET character_set_server = utf8”; } else { $aCollation[] = “ALTER SCHEMA CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci”; $aCollation[] = “SET CHARACTER SET latin1”; } foreach( $aCollation as $sSql ) { mysql_query( $sSql ) or die(mysql_error()); } } function convertConfigTableToUtf() { $oConfk = new Conf(); $sSql = “SELECT oxvarname, oxvartype, DECODE( oxvarvalue, '”.$oConfk->sConfigKey."’) AS