Installing Oxid 6 Beta

In order to install the newly released Oxid 6 Beta, I followed the installation instructions from:
I don’t know if there’s a more detailed page about this as it’s only a Beta release.

The extraction was performed successfully with Composer on a XAMPP with PHP 7.

However upon accessing the shop URL for the setup, a fatal error appears.

Setup URL:



Fatal error: Cannot declare class OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\ClassMap, because the name is already in use in C:\xampp\htdocs\oxid\vendor\oxid-esales\oxideshop-ce\source\Core\ClassMap.php on line 556

Am I missing something really trivial?

PS: I also tried adding the settings manually in the config.ini.php file, but of course there are no DB objects.

Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'oxid_eshop.oxconfig' doesn't exist

Hi :slight_smile:

Do yourself and others a favour and do not use XAMPP for that. Also a MAMP or WAMP environment might fail.

Best practice: there’s a VM available, use this one as it definitely works like a productive environment on Linux.
