Many problems with oxid eshop

Sorry, can’t give the proper answer straight away but a way to find it out instead.
Turn $this->iDebug=8 on in That shall show you what tpl is used at this place (after cleaning up tmp/). Look up in the tpl which language constant is used. Try to find this lang constant in your translation.

This won’t help here because “Mehr” ist hardcoded in js in flow theme:
And it looks like this bug was taken to wave theme also.

It has already been fixed by @snorri in Wave theme:

And @alfred.bez just sent a PR for Flow:

Thank you for your comments. Does it mean I have to swap some file for fixed version? Better asking to not harm anything.

Actually, is Flow better than Wave or opposite? I took Flow as I found cs lang files for it in translation center and I was not sure if it fits for wave too.

From the theme note “bootstrapper v3 VS v4” I cannot evaluate myself.

Language handling should be exactly the same.

Wave is newer so I think future development will go into wave theme. A new version of wave theme will come with oxid 6.2.0.

Thank you. I swapped flow for wave as you said it is newer and should be supported longer.
Still not sure about “Mehr” what to do - should I swap some files manually? Or open file/s and copy/paste differences from github links?

Also I hope with any of these steps I will not ruin next update once e.g. 6.2.0 is available.

It is safe to update it in the files manually. The pull request was merged and will be delivered with the next patch release:

Thank you, but not sure what and where to update manually to not forget anything.

And although I can see changes on github, I dont know how it works regarding “next patch release” - most probably this doesnt mean next shop version e.g. 6.1.6?

Or is it so easy to only perform now update commands in composer and this way updated components of shop are loaded from github automatically and this way is will fix properly?

Really not sure and dont want to mess something. Thanks.

Yes: Installing updates — OXID eShop 6.1 | User documentation
The fix will be in 6.2.0

Thank you. I already read this page. Still not sure about the first step - the highest version now is still 6.1.5 so I believe I can leave composer json as is and I only have to backup files and DB and then perform the update directly in live eshop. This will overwrite some files and also db structure if applicable and I am done.
Or the update using composer will work only when higher version of eshop is available and I should wait in case I dont want to manually overwrite shop files content to repair “Mehr” by myself?

Better asking and sorry for so many questions, but after that crazy journey from 4.5.0 I hope you understand me.

It is save to change it now yourself. The next update/upgrade will simply overwrite your changes.

Yes sure you can only update to next version as soon as it is available.

In case you have only one language it is easy to repair '“Mehr” by yourself, just search for “Mehr” in scripts.min.js and change it to whatever you want.

Ok I tried to manually rename “Mehr” in scripts.min.js but no success - still displayed as Mehr although tmp files deleted.
Additionally, the “Mehr” still not working as it should under Wave - from the beginning when I switched from Flow to Wave not doing popup with more categories and looks like plain text only on Main page. The popup function works only in Flow with the same “Mehr” not translated problem.

Edit: changed in both scripts.min.js and script.min.js and now correct language. Still playin text and not rolling out more categories under wave. Flow works ok here, but would prefer to stay with wave.

this is fixed too. You could try the new theme version by adding an alias to your main composer.json:

"require": {
    "oxid-esales/oxideshop-metapackage-ce": "^v6.1.5",
    "oxid-esales/wave-theme": "v1.3.1 as v1.2.0"

And then: composer update --no-dev

Hello, I didnt have time so thank you for last response now.

I didnt edit anything myself regarding “Mehr” and waiting for newer oxid version. Is any planned with some release date?

I am also asking for this as I would appreciate support for php 7.3.x or better 7.4.x as php 7.1.33 I am currently running is not supported anymore and all other vhosts I am running already fully supports 7.4.0 and older…

Any hints oxid is going to new version e.g. 6.1.6 with bugfixes and full support for newest php versions? I read somewhere (most probably here) that it is not recommended to switch to 7.3 or 7.4 while using shop version 6.1.5

Thank you.

The stable release is about to be released within the next few days :wink:

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That sounds great. Thanks for info I cant wait. Hopefully the upgrade from 6.1.5 will go smoothly.

Finally 6.2.0 available on website although no message saying it is 6.2.0 “final” or something.
I just read the update procedure now and I am having headache, especially with Point 2, Update module configurations.

Why modules are not updated together with the rest in first step? I am not using any modules, but I have some of them present in 6.1.5 as included in installation package obtained via composer.

Still I believe I should update modules as well to keep oxid overall updated.
But I am asking myself if it wont be easier to produce steps needed when migrating oxid to another machine - maybe I can make a copy of current DB excl. oxv_ then obtain fresh 6.2.0 via composer, install fresh 6.2.0, load backup of db and run then only composer for db migrations:migrate and no need to follow Step 2 for updating modules and not following the step with overridablefunctions.php?

Is this a bad idea? Looks less complicated to me than the current update manual. But not sure if this could work.

Why the updates cant be as simple as “composer update” command and composer should take the overall care incl. db update incl files update incl modules update and anything else what is necessary…

I feel my nightmare comes back unfortunately. Going to do dozen of backups of everything to be ready to destroy functional 6.1.5 while trying to move to 6.2.0 :slight_smile:

Ok found now the announcement in blog under

But confused why 6.2.0 and also 6.1.6 introduced in one day? If I wouldnt know details I would say 6.1.6 must be older and I want to install 6.2.0 :slight_smile:

Also, I am about to switch from php 7.1.33 to 7.4.4 - should I do it before I start any steps in trying to update to 6.2.0 or after the update is hopefully completed? I guess the second is correct as I still need 7.1.33 until oxid is moved to 6.2.0